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Rahmanberdiyev Sh., Atayeva A., Nurullaev D.




this article provides a brief overview of personnel and organizational structure and personnel management in organizations. It also talks about grouping employees and organizing the division of labor.   

Ключевые слова:
economics, management, employees, division of labor, servants, workers, occupation, job   

A special place in the general system of resource potential of the enterprise belongs to labor resources. Today, the labor market is active, its infrastructure has been created, and unemployment has changed from hidden to open. Employees of the enterprise ensure the integration of material and financial means of production.The employees of the enterprise consist of employees of various professional groups working in the enterprise. They constitute the totality of natural persons who, as a legal entity, are bound by an employment contract with the enterprise.The management of the employees of the enterprise is subordinated to the strategy of the development of the enterprise, depends on that strategy and is aimed at its effective implementation.The structure of employees of industrial enterprises is determined by the composition and number ratio of different categories and groups of employees depending on the tasks they performThe employees who are directly connected with the process of production (execution of works, services) of the enterprise, i.e. employees working in production work, constitute industrial-production employees (SOEI). In industrial enterprises, the employees of the main, auxiliary, service plants, scientific-research, project-design and technological organizations, laboratories and units in the balance of the enterprise, all the administrative and functional departments and services of the enterprise, etc. is includedRegardless of the system in which labor is performed, the industrial and production employees of the enterprise are divided into two main categories - workers and servants.Workers are directly involved in the production process, manage machines and equipment, monitor the operation of automatic devices, perform maintenance, regulation and adjustment of machines, control of incoming assembly equipment and raw materials, finished products, loading and unloading and transportation, storage. etc. they performThe staff group shows the main and support staff. The tasks assigned to them are different, therefore, the methods used during planning when determining their number for a certain future period in the enterprise are also different.The main employees are the workers who are directly involved in the production of the product (machines, operators of automatic and other equipment, etc.), the auxiliary employees are the employees who serve the production processes performed by the main employees (equipment adjusters, repairmen, transport and warehouse workers, supervisors, etc. .m.) refers toServants are grouped into managers, professionals, and direct employees. The leadership team consists of employees holding leadership positions in the enterprise (director, chief, manager), as well as their deputies in structural units and departments, chief specialists (chief engineer, chief accountant, chief mechanic, chief economist, etc.). The distinguishing feature of this group of employees is that managers have the authority to solve multifaceted tasks, they carry out task setting, decision-making and control.The team of professionals consists of employees engaged in engineering-technical, economic, accounting, legal and other functions. The main requirements for professionals are to perform the functional tasks set by the enterprise's administration in good quality and within the limits of their authority.Servants carry out preparation and formalization of documents, control their passage, are engaged in economic service of the organization and management of affairs (agents, cashiers, managers, secretaries and others). Their main duty is to carry out their duties, instructions of managers and specialists accurately and completely.   

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Номер журнала Вестник науки №3 (72) том 3


Ссылка для цитирования:

Rahmanberdiyev Sh., Atayeva A., Nurullaev D. PERSONNEL AND ITS STRUCTURE IN THE ENTERPRISE AND MANAGEMENT OF PERSONNEL IN ORGANIZATIONS // Вестник науки №3 (72) том 3. С. 15 - 17. 2024 г. ISSN 2712-8849 // Электронный ресурс: https://www.вестник-науки.рф/article/13335 (дата обращения: 02.06.2024 г.)

Альтернативная ссылка латинскими символами: vestnik-nauki.com/article/13335

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